Tuesday, 18 June 2013

B&H 360

LF B&H 360 is a natural unpolluted herb essence with its unique COS essence it can excrete waste & toxins thoroughly and a clean & healthy body. LF B&H 360 maintains your health with 3 simple steps such as toxin excretion, detoxification & body regulation. 
1. Toxin Excretion - Helps clear our bowels, skin, sweat gland, urinary tract & alimentary channel so that the detoxification channels are all cleared & toxins are excreted. 
2. Natural detoxification - Decomposes & purifies toxins in intestinal tract to minimize the damage of toxins to the human body. 
3. Regulates, replenishes & maintains healthy balance - Regulates & replenishes internal body system ; maintains a good state of health & enhance our immune system. 

Why Do I Need B&H Capsules?

Detoxification is the process of purging body waste, which is accumulated from the food we eat and the environment we are exposed to. Our body has its own cleansing system to expel the waste matter from itself through a number of detoxification channels:

1. The Liver
The liver is the body's main filtering system. Toxins travel through the blood stream and are filtered by the liver. However, the liver has limited filtration capabilities and many health conditions occur when the liver is incapable of handling excess amounts of toxins.

2. The Lymphatic System 
The lymphatic system is the body's front-line defense against foreign invaders like germs and viruses. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of the important role lymph nodes play until something serious happens to them. Lymph nodes act like sponges - they mop up the toxins in our body. The system may not be able to handle it when there are too much toxins. It will then break down and cause diseases like Hodgkin's and lymphoma result.

3. The Kidneys 
Kidneys expel toxins through the urinary system. They also help regulate the amount of water, essential salts (i.e. sodium) and potassium in the body. When the kidneys fail to function properly, external cleansing has to be conducted in the form of dialysis; otherwise you can die of poisoning.

4. The Skin 
The skin is our body’s largest detoxification organ. Waste material is eliminated from the body via perspiration through sweat pores in our skin. Skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema occur when the body is unable to purge toxins through the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system, forcing them to be expelled through the skin.

5. The Lungs 
The lung is the next largest organ to be in constant contact with the air and environment around us. The lungs perform the key role of filtering gases in and out of our system and respiratory tract diseases are very often related to an overload of toxins in the body.

6. The Colon 
The colon consists of the body’s big and small intestine. This detoxification system is responsible for the removal of most of our body’s toxins. If this vital channel is not effective, the other channels will have to take on the burden of clearing the toxins through its respective means.

When the body is unable to get rid of the waste matter or toxins inside, you may experience any of the following symptoms:

• Obesity
• Lethargy or fatigue
• Constipation
• Low immunity
• Bad breath
• Hormonal dysfunction

All these symptoms may range from being slightly embarrassing (i.e. bad breath), to becoming potentially cancer-causing (i.e. colon cancer).

Other than keeping our body free of toxins, regular detoxification has other benefits like:

• Anti-ageing
• Keeping bodily functions balanced
• Improving overall well-being (internal health) and overall appearance 

Member Price:RM123

Non member Price:RM138

HP:012-8017738 (SMS/Whatsapp/Line)

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